First Name
Last Name
Relationship to brand/organization
Are you a BIPOC, queer, or disabled owned business?
(Priority slots are given to marginalized-owned businesses)
Prefer not to answer
Do you work in the anti-racism, equity, or social justice space? If so, please describe:
What product/service/positioning does your brand/organization offer?
Do you have social media channels? If so, please include the handles:
What are some short term goals of your brand/organization?
What are some long term goals for your brand/organization?
What do you feel like your brand/organization has done a good job at conveying?
What do you feel like your brand/organization could do a better job at conveying?
If there's one takeaway an audience should get from your brand/organization, what would it be?
Who do you feel is your target audience(s) and why?
How do you want your audience/customers to feel about you?
What are some adjectives that best describe your brand/organization?
What are some adjectives that you don't want your brand/organization to stand for?
What platforms are/will your brand/organization be displayed on?
Retail Location
Do you have an existing logo?
If you do have an existing logo, what isn't working with it?
Do you have an idea for your logo?
Do you have any requirements for your logo?
Do you need an image/illustration integrated into your logo?
(If so, please describe)
Are there any other logos you feel strongly inspired or influenced by?
(If so, please name or include links below)
Do you have a preference on colors used in your logo?
Muted colors
Bright colors
No preference
If other, please describe...
Do you have a preference on type used in your logo?
Modern/Geometric type (sans-serif)
Traditional/Classic type (serif)
Bold type
Cursive/Calligraphy style type
Hand-drawn type
No preference
If other, please describe...
What identity package are you interested in?
Brand Essentials Starter Pack
Everything Brand Starter Pack
Not sure
What is your desired timeline for the project?
What is your estimated budget for the project?
Are there any other collateral pieces/projects you would like to add to your identity estimate?
(Social media templates, launch graphics, icon set, illustration, etc)
Do you have/need any accommodations for this project?
What is your preferred time for feedback on a design round?
1-2 business days
3-4 business days
a week
no preference
Anything else you'd like to include?